Showing posts with label Microcontroller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Microcontroller. Show all posts

Sunday, 5 February 2017

SMS Based home automation using Arduino Microcontroller

Today GSM networks are widely used, either for making calls or sending SMSes. Let us discuss a project of controlling home appliances by sending sms.

There are many types of home automation systems available in the market. Some are DTMF controlled home appliances, IR remote controlled home appliances and RF based. This system executes accurate control according to the message sent by the mobile phone. Just by sending a message to the GSM modem interfaced to a Arduino microcontroller (MCU) on/off operations can be performed. Present status of the equipment is also verified through a LCD display.

Arduino Microcontroller based home automation system works off 12v power supply. Arduino microcontroller (MCU) requires only 5v but GSM modem requires 12V. A LCD display is used for receiving and displaying the messages. Here LCD is used in 4-bit mode, which means only four lines are required to display data. When you want to control equipment and show its status information, you need to send an SMS to GSM Modem. Arduino Uno reads the messaged received by the GSM modem and sends commands to control the equipments and displays its status on LCD. GSM modem sends the commands in the text mode to Arduino Uno using RS232 interface.

AT command is sent from Arduino Uno to the GSM modem as the program starts up, and the response is received from the GSM modem after a very short period of time. After receiving the command to turn on loads, the relay set performs the switching operation.

The home automation market is growing very fast and there is a need a vast range of developments is carried out. Arduino Uno along with GSM provides smart automated home system with desired buad rate of 9600 bps.

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