Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Utilizing Cellular Technology With SCADA Applications

Cellular is everywhere. Cellular phones make our live much easier than it was before. We can be reached everywhere and we can get information and plan our time much more efficiently than before.

The cellular technology can be also used with SCADA applications to improve productivity, increase plants’ uptime and prevent damages. The device that makes the difference is the cellular modem. The cellular modem is very similar to a cell phone. The difference is that it has no keypad or screen. There are two types of cellular modems: GSM and CDMA. Cellular modems can be used for data communication and text messaging (SMS). Cellular modems can send and receive text messages. Cellular modems have a number similar to a cell phone number. The cost of a cellular modem is between 100$ to 200$.

The cellular modem can be connected to a computer using RS232 or USB cable. Then, with suitable software it may send and receive text messages (SMS) to/from any phone in any language using AT commands. There are two modes for text messaging: Text Mode (for English) and PDU mode (for all languages).

Today, cellular modems are becoming an integral part in many SCADA applications where alarm notification and remote control are a must.

Imagine you could send a text message such as "Water level tank 1" to your SCADA system... and within a few seconds you could get a reply - "Water level tank 1 - 12 feet"...Imagine you could send a text message such as "Turn main chiller ON" to your SCADA system and within a few seconds your main chiller will be turned on? No need to travel to the site. No need to call anyone. No need for a remote computer or Internet connection! You may be at home or on vacation, but only one text message away from your critical plant floor information!

Security is an important factor. There are two layers of security. The first layer should ensure that if a text message is received from an unknown phone number, this message should be ignored. The second layer should check that if the phone number is known and defined in the system, the person who has sent the text message is authorized to execute a specific command. If not, the message should be ignored.

Today, there are customers who are still utilizing analog modems and the TAP servers for alarm notification. Switching from analog modems to cellular modems may improve plant performance and availability significantly.

Here are the main differences between cellular modems and analog modems.

By utilizing cellular modems (GSM or CDMA), it is also possible to receive alarm messages directly to cell phones. No need for a phone line or Internet connection. Alarms are sent within 3-5 seconds. Using a cell phone it is also possible to acknowledge alarms. Alarm acknowledgement may be used to create escalation procedures. If the alarm is not acknowledged within few minutes, the alarm message will be sent to the next recipient on the list.
Cellular modems can help plant managers and maintenance engineers to:
  • Minimize costs
  • Shorten response times
  • Improve service levels
  • Prevent damages and loss

This article was written by Michael Meirovitz of Control See (www.controlsee.com). Control See is a supplier of Alarm Notification and Remote Control software for SCADA applications.

Monday, 27 October 2014

PLC | The Future of Industrial Automation

 PLC Training

Since the turn of the century, the global recession has affected most businesses, including industrial automation. After four years of the new millennium, here are my views on the directions in which the automation industry is moving.

The rear-view mirror

Because of the relatively small production volumes and huge varieties of applications, industrial automation typically utilizes new technologies developed in other markets. Automation companies tend to customize products for specific applications and requirements. So the innovation comes from targeted applications, rather than any hot, new technology.

Over the past few decades, some innovations have indeed given industrial automation new surges of growth: The programmable logic controller (PLC) – developed by Dick Morley and others – was designed to replace relay-logic; it generated growth in applications where custom logic was difficult to implement and change. The PLC was a lot more reliable than relay-contacts, and much easier to program and reprogram. Growth was rapid in automobile test-installations, which had to be re-programmed often for new car models. The PLC has had a long and productive life – some three decades – and (understandably) has now become a commodity.

At about the same time that the PLC was developed, another surge of innovation came through the use of computers for control systems. Mini-computers replaced large central mainframes in central control rooms, and gave rise to "distributed" control systems (DCS), pioneered by Honeywell with its TDC 2000. But, these were not really "distributed" because they were still relatively large clumps of computer hardware and cabinets filled with I/O connections.

The arrival of the PC brought low-cost PC-based hardware and software, which provided DCS functionality with significantly reduced cost and complexity. There was no fundamental technology innovation here—rather, these were innovative extensions of technology developed for other mass markets, modified and adapted for industrial automation requirements.

On the sensor side were indeed some significant innovations and developments which generated good growth for specific companies. With better specifications and good marketing, Rosemount's differential pressure flow-sensor quickly displaced lesser products. And there were a host of other smaller technology developments that caused pockets of growth for some companies. But few grew beyond a few hundred million dollars in annual revenue.

Automation software has had its day, and can't go much further. No "inflection point" here. In the future, software will embed within products and systems, with no major independent innovation on the horizon. The plethora of manufacturing software solutions and services will yield significant results, but all as part of other systems.

So, in general, innovation and technology can and will reestablish growth in industrial automation. But, there won't be any technology innovations that will generate the next Cisco or Apple or Microsoft.

We cannot figure out future trends merely by extending past trends; it’s like trying to drive by looking only at a rear-view mirror. The automation industry does NOT extrapolate to smaller and cheaper PLCs, DCSs, and supervisory control and data acquisition systems; those functions will simply be embedded in hardware and software. Instead, future growth will come from totally new directions.

New technology directions

Industrial automation can and will generate explosive growth with technology related to new inflection points: nanotechnology and nanoscale assembly systems; MEMS and nanotech sensors (tiny, low-power, low-cost sensors) which can measure everything and anything; and the pervasive Internet, machine to machine (M2M) networking.

Real-time systems will give way to complex adaptive systems and multi-processing. The future belongs to nanotech, wireless everything, and complex adaptive systems.
Major new software applications will be in wireless sensors and distributed peer-to-peer networks – tiny operating systems in wireless sensor nodes, and the software that allows nodes to communicate with each other as a larger complex adaptive system. That is the wave of the future.

The fully-automated factory

Automated factories and processes are too expensive to be rebuilt for every modification and design change – so they have to be highly configurable and flexible. To successfully reconfigure an entire production line or process requires direct access to most of its control elements – switches, valves, motors and drives – down to a fine level of detail.

The vision of fully automated factories has already existed for some time now: customers order online, with electronic transactions that negotiate batch size (in some cases as low as one), price, size and color; intelligent robots and sophisticated machines smoothly and rapidly fabricate a variety of customized products on demand.

The promise of remote-controlled automation is finally making headway in manufacturing settings and maintenance applications. The decades-old machine-based vision of automation – powerful super-robots without people to tend them – underestimated the importance of communications. But today, this is purely a matter of networked intelligence which is now well developed and widely available.
Communications support of a very high order is now available for automated processes: lots of sensors, very fast networks, quality diagnostic software and flexible interfaces – all with high levels of reliability and pervasive access to hierarchical diagnosis and error-correction advisories through centralized operations.

The large, centralized production plant is a thing of the past. The factory of the future will be small, movable (to where the resources are, and where the customers are). For example, there is really no need to transport raw materials long distances to a plant, for processing, and then transport the resulting product long distances to the consumer. In the old days, this was done because of the localized know-how and investments in equipment, technology and personnel. Today, those things are available globally.

Hard truths about globalization

The assumption has always been that the US and other industrialized nations will keep leading in knowledge-intensive industries while developing nations focus on lower skills and lower labor costs. That's now changed. The impact of the wholesale entry of 2.5 billion people (China and India) into the global economy will bring big new challenges and amazing opportunities.

Beyond just labor, many businesses (including major automation companies) are also outsourcing knowledge work such as design and engineering services. This trend has already become significant, causing joblessness not only for manufacturing labor, but also for traditionally high-paying engineering positions.

Innovation is the true source of value, and that is in danger of being dissipated – sacrificed to a short-term search for profit, the capitalistic quarterly profits syndrome. Countries like Japan and Germany will tend to benefit from their longer-term business perspectives. But, significant competition is coming from many rapidly developing countries with expanding technology prowess. So, marketing speed and business agility will be offsetting advantages.

The winning differences

In a global market, there are three keys that constitute the winning edge:
  • Proprietary products: developed quickly and inexpensively (and perhaps globally), with a continuous stream of upgrade and adaptation to maintain leadership.
  • High-value-added products: proprietary products and knowledge offered through effective global service providers, tailored to specific customer needs.
  • Global yet local services: the special needs and custom requirements of remote customers must be handled locally, giving them the feeling of partnership and proximity.
To implementing these directions demands management and leadership abilities that are different from old, financially-driven models. In the global economy, automation companies have little choice – they must find more ways and means to expand globally. To do this they need to minimize domination of central corporate cultures, and maximize responsiveness to local customer needs. Multi-cultural countries, like the U.S., will have significant advantages in these important business aspects.

In the new and different business environment of the 21st century, the companies that can adapt, innovate and utilize global resources will generate significant growth and success.


Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Circuits Programmable Logic Controllers | Sofcontraining

 Before the advent of solid-state logic circuits, logical control systems were designed and built exclusively around electromechanical relays. Relays are far from obsolete in modern design, but have been replaced in many of their former roles as logic-level control devices, relegated most often to those applications demanding high current and/or high voltage switching.

Systems and processes requiring "on/off" control abound in modern commerce and industry, but such control systems are rarely built from either electromechanical relays or discrete logic gates. Instead, digital computers fill the need, which may be programmed to do a variety of logical functions.

In the late 1960's an American company named Bedford Associates released a computing device they called the MODICON. As an acronym, it meant Modular Digital Controller, and later became the name of a company division devoted to the design, manufacture, and sale of these special-purpose control computers.

Other engineering firms developed their own versions of this device, and it eventually came to be known in non-proprietary terms as a PLC, or Programmable Logic Controller. The purpose of a PLC was to directly replace electromechanical relays as logic elements, substituting instead a solid-state digital computer with a stored program, able to emulate the interconnection of many relays to perform certain logical tasks.

A PLC has many "input" terminals, through which it interprets "high" and "low" logical states from sensors and switches. It also has many output terminals, through which it outputs "high" and "low" signals to power lights, solenoids, contactors, small motors, and other devices lending themselves to on/off control. In an effort to make PLCs easy to program, their programming language was designed to resemble ladder logic diagrams. Thus, an industrial electrician or electrical engineer accustomed to reading ladder logic schematics would feel comfortable programming a PLC to perform the same control functions.

PLCs are industrial computers, and as such their input and output signals are typically 120 volts AC, just like the electromechanical control relays they were designed to replace. Although some PLCs have the ability to input and output low-level DC voltage signals of the magnitude used in logic gate circuits, this is the exception and not the rule.

Signal connection and programming standards vary somewhat between different models of PLC, but they are similar enough to allow a "generic" introduction to PLC programming here. The following illustration shows a simple PLC, as it might appear from a front view. Two screw terminals provide connection to 120 volts AC for powering the PLC's internal circuitry, labeled L1 and L2. Six screw terminals on the left-hand side provide connection to input devices, each terminal representing a different input "channel" with its own "X" label. The lower-left screw terminal is a "Common" connection, which is generally connected to L2 (neutral) of the 120 VAC power source.

Inside the PLC housing, connected between each input terminal and the Common terminal, is an opto-isolator device (Light-Emitting Diode) that provides an electrically isolated "high" logic signal to the computer's circuitry (a photo-transistor interprets the LED's light) when there is 120 VAC power applied between the respective input terminal and the Common terminal. An indicating LED on the front panel of the PLC gives visual indication of an "energized" input:

Output signals are generated by the PLC's computer circuitry activating a switching device (transistor, TRIAC, or even an electromechanical relay), connecting the "Source" terminal to any of the "Y-" labeled output terminals. The "Source" terminal, correspondingly, is usually connected to the L1 side of the 120 VAC power source. As with each input, an indicating LED on the front panel of the PLC gives visual indication of an "energized" output:

In this way, the PLC is able to interface with real-world devices such as switches and solenoids.
The actual logic of the control system is established inside the PLC by means of a computer program. This program dictates which output gets energized under which input conditions. Although the program itself appears to be a ladder logic diagram, with switch and relay symbols, there are no actual switch contacts or relay coils operating inside the PLC to create the logical relationships between input and output. These are imaginary contacts and coils, if you will. The program is entered and viewed via a personal computer connected to the PLC's programming port.
Consider the following circuit and PLC program:

When the pushbutton switch is unactuated (unpressed), no power is sent to the X1 input of the PLC. Following the program, which shows a normally-open X1 contact in series with a Y1 coil, no "power" will be sent to the Y1 coil. Thus, the PLC's Y1 output remains de-energized, and the indicator lamp connected to it remains dark.
If the pushbutton switch is pressed, however, power will be sent to the PLC's X1 input. Any and all X1 contacts appearing in the program will assume the actuated (non-normal) state, as though they were relay contacts actuated by the energizing of a relay coil named "X1". In this case, energizing the X1 input will cause the normally-open X1 contact will "close," sending "power" to the Y1 coil. When the Y1 coil of the program "energizes," the real Y1 output will become energized, lighting up the lamp connected to it:

It must be understood that the X1 contact, Y1 coil, connecting wires, and "power" appearing in the personal computer's display are all virtual. They do not exist as real electrical components. They exist as commands in a computer program -- a piece of software only -- that just happens to resemble a real relay schematic diagram.

Equally important to understand is that the personal computer used to display and edit the PLC's program is not necessary for the PLC's continued operation. Once a program has been loaded to the PLC from the personal computer, the personal computer may be unplugged from the PLC, and the PLC will continue to follow the programmed commands. I include the personal computer display in these illustrations for your sake only, in aiding to understand the relationship between real-life conditions (switch closure and lamp status) and the program's status ("power" through virtual contacts and virtual coils).

The true power and versatility of a PLC is revealed when we want to alter the behavior of a control system. Since the PLC is a programmable device, we can alter its behavior by changing the commands we give it, without having to reconfigure the electrical components connected to it. For example, suppose we wanted to make this switch-and-lamp circuit function in an inverted fashion: push the button to make the lamp turn off, and release it to make it turn on. The "hardware" solution would require that a normally-closed pushbutton switch be substituted for the normally-open switch currently in place. The "software" solution is much easier: just alter the program so that contact X1 is normally-closed rather than normally-open.

In the following illustration, we have the altered system shown in the state where the pushbutton is unactuated (not being pressed):

In this next illustration, the switch is shown actuated (pressed):

One of the advantages of implementing logical control in software rather than in hardware is that input signals can be re-used as many times in the program as is necessary. For example, take the following circuit and program, designed to energize the lamp if at least two of the three pushbutton switches are simultaneously actuated:

To build an equivalent circuit using electromechanical relays, three relays with two normally-open contacts each would have to be used, to provide two contacts per input switch. Using a PLC, however, we can program as many contacts as we wish for each "X" input without adding additional hardware, since each input and each output is nothing more than a single bit in the PLC's digital memory (either 0 or 1), and can be recalled as many times as necessary.
Furthermore, since each output in the PLC is nothing more than a bit in its memory as well, we can assign contacts in a PLC program "actuated" by an output (Y) status. Take for instance this next system, a motor start-stop control circuit:

The pushbutton switch connected to input X1 serves as the "Start" switch, while the switch connected to input X2 serves as the "Stop." Another contact in the program, named Y1, uses the output coil status as a seal-in contact, directly, so that the motor contactor will continue to be energized after the "Start" pushbutton switch is released. You can see the normally-closed contact X2 appear in a colored block, showing that it is in a closed ("electrically conducting") state.

If we were to press the "Start" button, input X1 would energize, thus "closing" the X1 contact in the program, sending "power" to the Y1 "coil," energizing the Y1 output and applying 120 volt AC power to the real motor contactor coil. The parallel Y1 contact will also "close," thus latching the "circuit" in an energized state:

Now, if we release the "Start" pushbutton, the normally-open X1 "contact" will return to its "open" state, but the motor will continue to run because the Y1 seal-in "contact" continues to provide "continuity" to "power" coil Y1, thus keeping the Y1 output energized:

To stop the motor, we must momentarily press the "Stop" pushbutton, which will energize the X2 input and "open" the normally-closed "contact," breaking continuity to the Y1 "coil:"

When the "Stop" pushbutton is released, input X2 will de-energize, returning "contact" X2 to its normal, "closed" state. The motor, however, will not start again until the "Start" pushbutton is actuated, because the "seal-in" of Y1 has been lost:

An important point to make here is that fail-safe design is just as important in PLC-controlled systems as it is in electromechanical relay-controlled systems. One should always consider the effects of failed (open) wiring on the device or devices being controlled. In this motor control circuit example, we have a problem: if the input wiring for X2 (the "Stop" switch) were to fail open, there would be no way to stop the motor!

The solution to this problem is a reversal of logic between the X2 "contact" inside the PLC program and the actual "Stop" pushbutton switch:

When the normally-closed "Stop" pushbutton switch is unactuated (not pressed), the PLC's X2 input will be energized, thus "closing" the X2 "contact" inside the program. This allows the motor to be started when input X1is energized, and allows it to continue to run when the "Start" pushbutton is no longer pressed. When the "Stop" pushbutton is actuated, input X2 will de-energize, thus "opening" the X2 "contact" inside the PLC program and shutting off the motor. So, we see there is no operational difference between this new design and the previous design.

However, if the input wiring on input X2 were to fail open, X2 input would de-energize in the same manner as when the "Stop" pushbutton is pressed. The result, then, for a wiring failure on the X2 input is that the motor will immediately shut off. This is a safer design than the one previously shown, where a "Stop" switch wiring failure would have resulted in an inability to turn off the motor.
In addition to input (X) and output (Y) program elements, PLCs provide "internal" coils and contacts with no intrinsic connection to the outside world. These are used much the same as "control relays" (CR1, CR2, etc.) are used in standard relay circuits: to provide logic signal inversion when necessary.
To demonstrate how one of these "internal" relays might be used, consider the following example circuit and program, designed to emulate the function of a three-input NAND gate. Since PLC program elements are typically designed by single letters, I will call the internal control relay "C1" rather than "CR1" as would be customary in a relay control circuit:

In this circuit, the lamp will remain lit so long as any of the pushbuttons remain unactuated (unpressed). To make the lamp turn off, we will have to actuate (press) all three switches, like this:

This section on programmable logic controllers illustrates just a small sample of their capabilities. As computers, PLCs can perform timing functions (for the equivalent of time-delay relays), drum sequencing, and other advanced functions with far greater accuracy and reliability than what is possible using electromechanical logic devices. Most PLCs have the capacity for far more than six inputs and six outputs. The following photograph shows several input and output modules of a single Allen-Bradley PLC.

With each module having sixteen "points" of either input or output, this PLC has the ability to monitor and control dozens of devices. Fit into a control cabinet, a PLC takes up little room, especially considering the equivalent space that would be needed by electromechanical relays to perform the same functions:

One advantage of PLCs that simply cannot be duplicated by electromechanical relays is remote monitoring and control via digital computer networks. Because a PLC is nothing more than a special-purpose digital computer, it has the ability to communicate with other computers rather easily. The following photograph shows a personal computer displaying a graphic image of a real liquid-level process (a pumping, or "lift," station for a municipal wastewater treatment system) controlled by a PLC. The actual pumping station is located miles away from the personal computer display:


To Know more about PLC Training and Industrial Automation Engineering Course For BTech/BE Students.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Learn Allen Bradley PLC Programming | Sofcontraining.com


I: FlexLogix Platform

For distributed-control:
• (i.e., control platform is located at or close to the process/machine).
• Allows application to be simplified by dividing it.

This system has the following characteristics:
• Reduced size for smaller spaces
• Can be mounted on a DIN rail or panels
• Can be mounted vertically or horizontally
• Modular

FlexLogix Hardware

II. Flex Logix Main Component

FlexLogix Main Component

Flex Logix Features:
• 64 Kbyte (1794-L33) and 512 Kbyte (1794-L34) fixed memory:
• 1794-L33/A and 1794-L34/B support non-volatile memory to retain project without a battery
• Two communications slots installed in controller
• Support for NetLinx™ networks:
  – EtherNet/IP
  – DeviceNet
  – ControlNet

FlexLogix I/O placed on DIN rail:
• Supports one or two banks
  – (up to 8 local I/O modules and 8 extended local I/O modules)
Flex IOs

FlexLogix I/O placed on DIN rail:
• Extended local I/O modules can be located 1 to 3 m from local I/O
• FlexLogix systems support up to 512 I/O points


Connected directly to the controller in the daughtercard slots:

Easy Learn Allen Bradley PLC Programming


I: RSLogix 5000 Programming Software.

Tip: Because all Logix5000 platforms have

All ControLogix, FlexLogix, and CompactLogix PLC types used common control engine, RSLogix 5000 software is used to program and configure all Logix5000 systems.

Used to perform the following tasks:
• Develop and modify code
  – (e.g., ladder logic, function block diagrams, Structured Text etc.)
• Monitor project and system component operation during operation
• Configure hardware modules (communication module, I/O module, etc..)

II. RSLogix 5000 Software Advantage.

RSLogix 5000 software offers the following benefits:
• Flexible, easy-to-use, Windows®-based editors and components
• I/O configuration wizards
• Ability to copy and paste components between projects
• Same look and feel as RSLogix 5 and RSLogix 500 software:
   – Ladder logic instruction set built on PLC® instruction set
• Multiple programming language options
   – ladder logic, function block diagram, sequential function chart, and structured text.
• Your configuration will depend on the language options selected and installed.

III. RSLogix 5000 Software Windows.

Main Screen at Default Configuration
1. Toolbars
2. Controller Organizer
3. Routine Editor / Tags Window
4. Results Window

IV. RSLogix 5000 Toolbars.

Following toolbars are available:
• Standard toolbar
• Online toolbar
• Path toolbar
• Language Element toolbar

Standard Toolbar: Standard Microsoft options:
• New
• Save
• Cut
• Copy
• Paste
• And more

Standard Toolbar

Online Toolbar: toolbar that provides controller status. Tab/drop-down lists are available for viewing related information:

Online Toolbar

Path Toolbar: toolbar specifically used for communicating with controller and viewing communication status:

Path Toolbar Screen

Language Element Toolbar: toolbar containing programming elements, grouped by tabs, for entry into an active routine. Each language has its own element toolbar:

Language Element Toolbar

V. Controller Organizer

Controller Organizer
Above is showing the Expanded Branch/TASK,  Main Routine, and Sub-Routine in hierarchy.


Routine Editor/Tags Window: Displays open routine or tags collection opened through Controller Organizer:

Routine Editor Tags Window

Results Window: window at bottom of main window that contains the following tabs:

Results Tabs
• Errors tab: Results of verification for errors in the project
• Search Results tab: Results of a search for a project component
• Watch tab: Window for viewing data in an open routine

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Using a Framework for a PLC Project | Sofcontraining.com

Why should I use a framework for my control and automation projects?

Before we start looking at the reasons for using a common framework, I’ll start by explaining what it is I mean by it.
Simply, a framework is a piece of software or a library that provides generic or common predefined functionality. The framework is reusable and can be extended by a user in order to provide a bespoke / custom solution.

Efficiency and Cost
The framework will typically provide up to around 50% of the application developments features thus resulting in a huge saving in time. In addition, the use of predefined, pre-tested code will dramatically reduce development and coding time.
Improved documentation and customer support.
Once again, the use of the software framework and predefined code will speed up the production of manuals as much of the content relating to common automation tasks can be written once and used time and time again.

The use of predefined , pre-tested code dramatically improves the quality of the software product, ensuring consistency and fewer programming errors.

I’m going suggest two frameworks.
The first shall cover PLC and the second HMI.

PLC Framework
The framework should be split into program areas covering,
  • Version
  • Constants
  • Global Code and Startup
  • Input Mapping
  • Safety Interface
  • Interlocks
  • Recipe Handling, Engineering SP
  • Data mapped from the HMI or SCADA
  • Data mapped to the HMI or SCADA
  • Device Handlers
  • Alarm Handling
  • Output Mapping
  • Communications setup
  • Statistics
  • Any program sequences.
The picture below demonstrates this. The example shown was created using Mitsubishi GXWorks 2.
Note: The program naming does not dictate program flow as this can be set elsewhere.
HMI Framework
The HMI framework should incorporate the following generic features:
  • Security – Predefined levels of access
  • Multi Language Support
  • Alarm Handling
  • Logging
  • Trending
  • Common Icons, Pushbuttons and displays

Friday, 10 October 2014

Schneider Electric with PLC Scada Automation | Sofcon.com

A post-Invensys-acquisition update
By Rick Zabel, Publisher & Editor

  Last week in Orlando, FL, Schneider Electric hosted its first Global Software Customer Conference since it acquired Invensys in January. The conference has its roots as WonderWorld, the former Wonderware company’s own user conference. Over the years, after Invensys acquired Wonderware, the conference evolved into OpsManage, a global event that emphasized all of Invensys’ software, control, and safety offerings. Since Schneider Electric's purchase of Invensys, I have been waiting to hear some news about the integration of the two companies. That news, as it relates to software, was delivered last week at the conference.

In April of this year, Schneider Electric created a new business unit called Global Solutions. Global Solutions is made up of four key offerings. One of those offerings is Software, which will continue to be led by Ravi Gopinath as Executive Vice President. The Software business consists of the legacy Invensys brands—Wonderware, SimSci, and Avantis—as well as Schneider Electric’s Citect, Ampla, and OASyS DNA (Telvent SCADA) software brands, integrated into one business.
In addition to the Software business, Global Solutions consists of the following offerings:
  • Field services and product support applicable to other Schneider Electric product offerings.
  • Segments, activities related to industry-specific and key account level, global sales and after-market customer relationship management.
  • Digital services, which is a basket of offerings that may or may not leverage software. Examples include cyber security risk assessment services and Telvent weather forecasting service.
Global Solutions and its President, Daniel Doimo, will be headquartered in Lake Forest, CA, which has long been the headquarters for Wonderware and the Invensys software business. Doimo stressed that software is a key pillar to Schneider Electric's global strategy. "We invested in software because we have the vision," said Doimo. "We don't want to reinvent the wheel - we want to spin it faster." Schneider Electric’s Global Solutions business will deliver holistic and integrated solutions to its customers. They are committed to tailored solutions for specific industry segments. Doimo and Gopinath believe the more robust, combined solution set offers the most comprehensive portfolio to help its customers achieve operational efficiency. However, Gopinath stressed, "We are always looking for opportunities to strengthen our portfolio through acquisitions."

Improving the user experience and driving additional value are the cornerstones of everything the company does. Gopinath said the software business has and will continue to focus incessantly on improving user experience, even as the customer persona is rapidly changing. Their second focus is interoperability, which is where architecture comes into play.

Software Architecture

At the core of its software solutions, and at the lowest layer of the architecture, is a common platform called Wonderware System Platform. It is the information management framework for all of the company’s software products. It is open, scalable, and secure, and it works across multiple hardware platforms. The second layer consists of applications that perform specific functions, like HMI, historian, MES, asset management, etc.  The third layer encompasses solutions for specific industry segments.

Prior to the Invensys acquisition, Schneider Electric introduced StruxureWare, a unique software platform of integrated applications and suites that delivers visibility into energy and resource use across an organization. The StruxureWare concept and name will be used in the newly combined software business. StruxureWare will be a collection of applications or solutions that are tailored to specific industry use cases.  They will provide specific, unique functions required by industry segments. A few of these StruxureWare offerings have been defined, but they are still early in the process of defining others.